Choose the right type of waterproofing for your home.
Among the waterproofing avenues, exterior and interior waterproofing has their unique advantages, but you should keep in mind that based on your home’s foundation, the water table level, and other factors, one type of waterproofing may be a better option for your needs and budget.
Waterproofing: Interior or Exterior?
Interior and exterior waterproofing each have their advantages. However, it is important to know that based on foundation type, the level of your water table and other factors, one type of waterproofing may be a better choice for your home.
Interior waterproofing is more cost effective and carries a longer warranty. However, exterior waterproofing does not disturb the interior of your home; there is no need to remove and replace drywall and remove other finishings in your basement.
Waterproofing: Interior or Exterior?
It is crucial to address foundation and waterproofing issues as quickly as possible; putting off the problem only increases the chance of creating hazards in your home and increasing the cost of repair. Hydrostatic pressure places additional stress on the foundation of your home; left untreated, this can compromise the integrity of your foundation and can cause catastrophic damage to your home. Additionally, unaddressed water issues is likely to allow the perfect breeding ground for mold; this can cause a hazard to your family as up to 50% of the air you breathe in your home comes from your basement or crawlspace.